Saturday, July 26, 2008

Arrival in Beijing

Connected thru' Chicago with my ole mate, Billy Sherrill. In 14 hours, the sun never set on this flight over the pole to the Middle Kingdom and yes, the north pole does seem to have melted and broken up. Beach Front may be in YOUR future.

The Capitol Airport is a soaring architectural statement and our train twisted thru its course like a Disney ride as it brought us to claim our bags. Can China raise an army of Olympic Volunteers? YES, they are legion. We could have been struck by paralysis and they would have bourne us upright thru immigration, credentials, baggage claim and to our cars.

Our hotel, the evocativly named conference center #9 is lovely, with Marble atrium and cherry appointments in the room. Attendants are everywhere. One brings a fork. Another brings a knife. The 2 meals so far have been wonderful, even the Mexican takeout today for lunch at the field shop. Cheech and Chong, I call it.

So, off to try to buy a $40 phone for personal use. We won't speak about my losing my wallet at the Atlanta Airport, 5 miles from home....

Xie Xie,



Bill at said...

Fabulous JK. They'll have you think Chinese people shove, spit and eat live puppies, and then you check in and find fine cherry wood cabinetry.

No surprise on the wallet thing.

Bill/Georgia USA

Bett Addams Williams said...

I feel like I'm in Beijing with U!! Wundebar!
As for being a crackberry, I don't tolerate it well enough to ever become addicted; in this market though you need all the help you can get.
Did you hear that Clay saw a Blackberry fly out of a car in DC; apparently it made a soft landing (i.e. didn't fly apart and starting working after awhile)later the owner's wife called and called, finally Clay answered and they gave him $100 and blessed him for being such a wonderful person; Clay of course thought he had gotten a free Crackberry.

Zack is 13 hours ahead of us; I haven't figured that out yet.

I'm impressed with your web site too!

Thanks for blogging.


Allen Facemire said...

I'm thrilled your going to blog your way through this epic event. I'll be anticipating every morsel with chop stick in hand.

Lost wallet in the Big A...starting off an international journey.

John, John!!

Reminds me of when Suzan and I went to Ireland and she left her purse hanging in the lades room at JFK along with with her tickets, money, wallet, etc. She had her passport on her so we spent our 3 hour layover pad getting her tickets reissued and canceling all her credit cards. What made her mad though, was her having to depend on ME for financial support for the rest of the trip.

Several months later her purse showed up in the mail with everything in tack, sans the cash! Not sure who sent it but it had a Port Authority cancellation on it so your guess is as good as mine.

Tell Billy hi!

Allen Facemire

Laura Teague said...

Hi John, Ellie told me about your blog, this is so exciting. To hear from you what is happening there, your stories are wonderful.What do the people look like,what impresses you the most?
We left our passports in the hotel in London and missed the plane.Whats the village look like?Julia got her grade for Clinicals in Santa Barbara Ca.
Thanks, Laura Teague

Leah Kelly said...

Hey Daddy.
We got your package today from the Olympics! we probably the only people in ATL to have the new Beijing 2008 Olympic shirts. Oh yeah too cool for you! haha. We miss you. I got back from camp today around 3:00pm. BTW.. how is the food? please do NOT eat any dog. that is too nasty! lol. Ummm hope to see you soon! NANA, SARA, & I are headed to little rock in a few days after my knee surgery.... and mom gets the house to herself since she has to go back o work!

call us! i got your message.
hope you have fun!

and thanks for the Shirts

Sara and mom both say hey and we ALL LOVE U.

p.s. don't do nothing stupid! lol
like end up in the chinese jail.


Did you ever hear bout yo WALLET!

Leah Kelly said...

Hey Daddy Its Sara!

Guess what? Leah taught me how to talk GHETTO! like how you bee? and where u at? haha. we is too funny for you. I miss you very very very very very MUCH! send a postcard and a few more presents. that would be wonderful. get me some Grasshopper lollipops i know those chinese people be selling those on the streets. (just kidding) but seriously i do want a lollipop! & i want a real chinese fan! not no fake one. hhaa. you know u love my GHETTO TALK! i also want something with chinese writing on it... like a piece of paper! hahaha. Call us up Home Boi. haha.. btw. that was leah typing for me! since i type slower than her.

Mom is doing great, and Sara lost my i-pod so i will be expecting a new and nicer one when you get home or just buy me one in china! how cool would that be! lol. THINK of this ( a TOUCH i-pod.) since she lost my nano in Hawaii.. We all love you! very much.

tell Billy we say hey Shawty whats poppin.

love Sara, & Leah!
call us!